Monday, February 20, 2012

Sweet Potato Medalions

Do you have trouble coming up with an easy side dish for your evening meals? Boy, I sure do. The other week I got this recipe in my e-mail box and decided to give it a try as we all like sweet potatoes and they are so good for you and making them this way does not make them too fattening either! This recipe is from Me and My Pink Mixer

I poured about 2 teaspoons of olive oil on a small plate and using my fingers (yes, I washed my hands first), I just rubbed some on both sides and than sprinkled each side with salt and pepper, you could add your favorite herb(s) too.

Please be careful when you are slicing your raw sweet potatoes, they are hard to slice! This is one large one sliced up.

I placed mine on the same foil lined cookie sheet as the chicken tenderloins I was baking, saved alot of clean up time and lucky me, they needed to be cooked at the same temperature and time too!

Here they are after they have roasted! I peel mine before I eat them, but hubby just eats them, peel and all! They are so good this way and I've been buying more sweet potatoes and roasting them this way!

Sweet Potato Medalions
1 large sweet potato, washed and slice about 1/4 inch thick
2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon of olive oil
salt and pepper
your favorite herbs, optional
Line your cookie sheet with foil. Rub olive oil and both sides of your potato slice, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until tender. Serve.
I can't remember if she said to turn them half way thru the baking time, but there is really no need to do that.

Well, I hope you give these a try, I think you will find that they are very good! Mary

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